There’s no doubt that car accidents can cause serious, potentially life-changing injuries. However, not all car accident injuries are always evident and obvious right away. Any delay in the diagnosis of a car accident injury can have harsh consequences - both for your health and the potential strength of a related personal injury lawsuit. That's why it's important to consult with a car accident lawyer in San Diego if you've been injured in a collision.
Shock, Adrenaline Can Mask Signs of Injury and Trauma
It might be difficult to notice signs and symptoms of a car accident because they’re masked by the rush of adrenaline and endorphins you experience in a wreck.
Essentially, your body goes into shock, flooding your bloodstream with these hormones to help you cope with a very stressful, frightening experience. Your blood pressure will also drop, which can alter the way you feel.
In turn, you’re more likely to miss signs of pain or trauma, such as:
- Headaches
- Numbness or tingling in the extremities
- Fatigue
- Neck stiffness
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Back pain
- Insomnia
- Muscle tenderness
Sometimes symptoms like these can be mistaken for being run-down or under the weather when, in fact, they’re signs of much more serious trauma.
What Types of Car Accident Injuries Might Not Appear Right Away?
Several crash-related injuries can potentially remain undiscovered for hours, days, or even weeks after a wreck, including:
- Whiplash
- Neck injuries
- Soft tissue injuries, like strains and sprains
- Concussions
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Back injuries
- Internal bleeding
- Internal organ damage
- Broken bones
When an injury takes a while to develop after an accident, it can potentially limit your ability to recover compensation - unless you’ve taken the critical step of seeking medical care after your wreck.
Protect Your Car Accident Claim By Getting Prompt Medical Care
Always get checked out at the closest emergency room or hospital after a car accident, even if you don’t think you’ve been injured. Some injuries won’t appear for a few days. The shock of being in a crash can hide signs and symptoms of others.
When you go to the hospital, provides will conduct a thorough medical evaluation and look for signs of any injuries that you might have sustained. Chances are, physicians will be able to pinpoint injuries that you’ve missed.
Even if your injuries don’t fully develop, your trip to the hospital will help to mitigate your damages and safeguard your opportunity to recover much-needed compensation through a car accident lawsuit or claim for insurance benefits.
Contact an Experienced California Car Accident Attorney For Help After a Crash
If your car accident injuries are delayed, it can possibly be more difficult to recover compensation from an at-fault party. The Sacramento injury attorneys and Sacramento auto accident lawyers at Singleton Schreiber can help you navigate a complex car accident claim and fight to recover damages for any trauma you’ve sustained in a wreck - whether they appeared right away or days after your collision.
Our car accident lawyers in Santa Rosa have decades of experience and an undeniable track record of success. We’ve helped clients win billions in damages for their life-changing injuries and suffering. Call one of our California law offices - located in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and Santa Rosa - to discuss the details of your case with our team for free.
About Car Accidents
Car Accident Injuries